Meet Dexter! He is a 6 year old, 39 pound collie mix. He is very sweet. He was an owner surrender due to the work schedule preventing them from spending enough time with them. Dexter knows sit, ball and hand. He loves to chase and bring back the ball and will do it over and over. He is good in the house when left and is very calm.
He loves playing with toys especially his kong. He is very food motivated. Dexter would love a home with a fenced yard where he can play ball and with an active family who will enjoy walking him. He pulls a little on leash but with the right harness he will walk fine.
He previously lived with a cat we are told and is good with other dogs but likes to be the boss. He might enjoy being the only dog. He sometimes can be nervous of new people and may bark when feeling uneasy. We feel a home with kids 10 and up will be best.
Dexter is available for adoption through Grand River All Breed rescue. The adoption donation is $400. All of our dogs are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated as part of their adoption. If you’d like to adopt, please fill out an application. You can also reach us by email at