Meet Evie! She is about 8 years old (as of January, 2025), front paw declawed. She is a very confident cat and she needs to be the only pet in the home. She warmed up to me immediately and she’s quite affectionate. She is charming and has met everyone who has come over at the door with meows and demands for pets. She does often try to sneak out of the door to go on outside adventures and you need to watch this. She’s talkative and will come around meowing to check on me throughout the day and bring my attention to things around the house. She does have a threshold for petting after which she will squawk and give a warning bite; it can be startling but she would never bite down. I’ve tried to annoy her to see how she responds and she is not aggressive. She gets zoomies most evenings and will play for hours with string toys and run after laser pointers, however she doesn’t often enjoy playing with toys on her own. She enjoys being the center of attention, which includes laying on the table over whatever you are doing. Like my keyboard!
She really REALLY likes people food and will try to climb on anyone who is eating. It’s important to keep counters clear of food, as she is very well behaved until you leave food or a glass of milk out and walk out of the room.
She would be a wonderful addition to any household without other pets.
Evie is available for adoption through Grand River All Breed Rescue. The adoption donation is $325 per cat. All of our cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated as part of their adoption. If you’d like to adopt, please fill out an application. You can also reach us by email at